Définition et sens de reparaphrasés
Que veut dire reparaphrasés? Trouvez ici 3 définitions du mot reparaphrasés. Vous pouvez également ajouter une définition de reparaphrasés.


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''Participe passé masculin pluriel du verbe'' reparaphraser.
Source: fr.wiktionary.org


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''Deuxième personne du singulier de l’indicatif présent du verbe'' reparaphraser. | ''Deuxième personne du singulier du subjonctif présent du verbe'' reparaphraser.
Source: fr.wiktionary.org


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The signal can be of two types synchronous and asynchronous depending on the synchronization. As it is necessary for any electronic devices to transmit digital signal it must have some kind of harmony between the transmitting end and receiving end. When data transmit from the transmitting end it would have a certain frequency and fluctuation range which can only receive when receiver had same property. Therefore both the synchronous and asynchronous of FSK signal has its own importance. As both techniques are different the effect of noise also is diverse in each case. So the usage of this technique has its own advantage and disadvantage in today’s communication.
anonyme - 6 juin 2019

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